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RPGaDay 2023 – Day 31

Lots of RPG Books

Favourite RPG of all time

When this question was first asked I refused to give a solid answer. My answer remains the same today, but I’ll end this month on a less repetitious note.

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RPGaDay 2023 – Day 30

Exile's Den of Ubiquity 2016

Obscure RPG you’ve played

For all the time I spend online, I’ve never actually checked how well-known the games I’ve played are. Ultimately it doesn’t matter that much to me. Sure, well-known, and liked, games are likely to be around longer, but books don’t disappear when a game ends.

But if you want to play an obscure or rare RPG, a good starting point would be a large gaming convention. Scroll past the list of tables offering D&D and other mainstream games and look for the indie gems and rarities. There might be only one or two sessions for each, but if you can get into one you’re bound to have a good time.

RPGaDay 2023 – Day 29


Most memorable encounter

We really are ending this month with some repetition. I’ve not played much in the last decade, so opportunities to create new bests have been rare. Even if I had, I suspect it would still be hard to top the Valley of Kobold Death.

But I would love to try.

RPGaDay 2023 – Day 28

Renraku Arcology Shutdown

Scariest game you’ve played

I wish I could give a joke response for this question. Sadly, I don’t know of any RPGs which simulate the experience of getting a mortgage.

Nor will I take the easy out and name Call of Cthulhu. My actual play experience with that setting was rather mundane, so that’s out too.

I think my answer for this question remains unchanged a decade later. It’s still Shadowrun for many of the reasons I gave last time. One specific example would be the Renraku Arcology adventure. Being trapped in a massive office building full of killer robots and a manic AI is a damn scary time.

RPGaDay 2023 – Day 27


Game you’d like a new edition of…

This question feels like it could have infinite answers. Everyone has that one (or more) RPG they’d love to see return to print. But the question here is about ‘new edition’ so that might narrow things a little.

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RPGaDay 2023 – Day 26


Favourite character sheet

This is a particularly tough question to answer. There are so many aspects that define a good character sheet. The layout, writing space, overall design – all are important in their own way. But for my pick I’m going to focus on something else.

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RPGaDay 2023 – Day 25

Lots of RPG Books

Unplayed RPG you own

It should be clear that this point that most of my RPG are ‘unplayed’, in the traditional sense. At this point it would take a tremendous amount of effort, and a whole lot of one shot sessions, to tip the balance.

I could also apply my looser interpretation of the term to get the number down to almost zero. It’s possible the only games I’ve not been able to ‘play’ are ones where I only own supplements with no rules.

RPGaDay 2023 – Day 24

Mutant Chronicles 3rd Edition

Complex / Simple RPG you play

It’s time for another loose interpretation of the word play. While I could talk about games with simple character generation rules, let’s go with a complex one.

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RPGaDay 2023 – Day 23


Coolest looking RPG product / book

I could go into a whole lot of detail here about what makes a book look ‘cool’, but that’s a whole lot of subjectivity. Sure, that’s kinda the name of the game for RPGaDay, but I want to keep this one simple.

Instead of picking a single product or book, I’m going to go with the entire line for The One Ring from Free League. It’s only a few titles long, but they have already established a varied and solid art style. Had it just been the darker art it would have been too oppressive. The line art is a great balance, and reminiscent of Alan Lee’s work.

RPGaDay 2023 – Day 22

Indiana Jones and the Golden Vampires

Best secondhand RPG purchase

As I mentioned last time, I’m still not a fan of buying my roleplaying games through online auction sites. It might be okay for a single book, but shipping costs make larger purchases unappealing.

With that said, I would like to start perusing the second hand titles more. I suspect there will be a whole lot of 4E and 5E D&D books, but I’ll keep my eyes open for something that does pique my interest.

Until then, my answer remains Indiana Jones and the Golden Vampires.